#sami'ra lavellan
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morganali-art · 9 days ago
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Did someone say Cat Day?
Get smooched, idiots 💋🐱🐱
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morganali-art · 2 years ago
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I've got 2-3 art prompts I'm working on for August, but I've decided I'm also going to belatedly do the Wolmeric week prompts because I didn't have a Wolmeric ship at the time. Anyway,
Wolmeric Week (Catchup) - Day 1 First Meeting
Same, lil buddy, same. 👀💦
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Don't worry, Aymeric didn't notice. Not the first time at least.
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morganali-art · 5 months ago
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FFXIV October - Day 10 Cosplay
When the idea struck me, it seemed the most obvious choice in the world. My boy Sam as Robin Hood :3 🏹🎯
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morganali-art · 1 year ago
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"What's the point of having a Cat Boi OC if you don't draw him blushing and screaming?" Karina Drawfee
You know, she was right to say it.
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morganali-art · 1 year ago
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I've been having thinky thoughts about my miqo lad Sam - what *if* he got a fuzzy winter coat like an arctic fox while hanging out in all these deep snowy zones? 🤔🤔🤔
He was raised in the shroud, which (going on the Starlight events at least) does get a little bit of snow, but not enough to really blanket the landscape in fulms of the stuff. At most he'd get a transitional coat, a bit more mottled, but not a lot of difference in the long run. After such a prolonged stay in Ishgard however... More than one of his Ishgardian hosts remarked with some concern on the greying of his hair. He was only five and twenty after all. With all that had happened up to that point, there were fears the stress was getting to the fellow.
As the full coat comes on, he's covered head to toe in a fine fur - it grows thicker in certain spots - his arms and legs, neck and shoulders, and chest and back at least. Already a pale lad, the finer fur tends to making him look a little ghostly, or perhaps just unwell. His hair is thicker, softer, and hangs down over his eyes.
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morganali-art · 1 year ago
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I decided to sit down and sketch out all my WoLs (not including like, six other joke characters that I have) and I have come to the conclusion that someone should take the character creator away from me.
I got too many lil guys 😵‍
From left to right...
J'rhota Tia is just a silly orange lad - PGL/ROG main, a scrappy little fight boy. Means well, but very head empty. Constantly getting locked out of the Waking Sands, but unfortunately is the only one who can take down Ifrit without getting tempered.
Amelot Greywoode Lost an eye on one of her adventures - couldn't afford a glass eye to match her good eye at the time, so the one she wears under her eyepatch is slightly off colour. (Highlander, GLD)
Parasha Pasha - Tiniest gorl. Min height lala. My god, she's so small. 🥺💕 Ostensibly mains WAR/DRG, but really is a FSH main.
Sami'ra (Sameth/Bunny) Lavellan - ARC/ROG main, previously a Dragon Age Inquisitor. Yearns to keep the stories of his people as a historian, but in the harsh economic times post-calamity, adventuring better pays the bills and provides for his large extended family. Per his name, he is the youngest son in a Keeper family with an oddly large number of sons. Truth be told, not all are family by blood, though are loved just as well. Sam has quite the crush on a certain Lord Commander.
Cessalie Sombreterre was an orphan of Ishgardian birth, and made her way to Ul'dah at a young age to try and make her way in the world, eventually taking up adventuring. Ostensibly a BLM main, though dabbles in roguery and swordplay. Min height elezen. Amongst her people, she's so leetle 🥺💕 Marries into the Fortemps house.
Hazel Rah is my main lad, first boy I ever made. He was born in the Golmore Jungle. Though he misses his childhood home dearly, he was forever restless, and eventually left - spending some time in Dalamasca and other occupied territories, before travelling to Eorzea in the wake of the calamity. Young for a travelling viera, he's about 70ish years old. Before he came to Eorzea, his forest name was Rjel Fith. He loves to garden.
Clover Frith is Hazel's much older sister - she's around 200, though she's not one to keep count. She left the forest when Hazel was quite young, in his 20s or thereabouts. When they met up again decades later, she was taking work as a gleaner in Sharlayan. Though her forest name is long left behind, her last name was Fith.
Blackavar Rehw-Dvre was Hazel's childhood sweetheart. In my headcanons, he does not leave the forest at all until well after the calamity - the general upheaval and unrest making its way even unto the forest, prompting the Rava people to make the choice to send scouts far from home to investigate. As such, though he is confident in the ways of his home, he is very out of place in the wider world and is often mystified by the ways of outsiders. As far as appearances go, Blackavar actually has quite curly hair - so I imagine his hair is more like the catboy hair both J'rhota and Sam have. Alas, there's no perfect bun options 😞
Holly Huorlwesfv is a veena bunny who I created as a retainer and went "aw fuck, I did it again," and had to turn him into a real boy because I liked him so much. He doesn't yet have a lot of a backstory yet, but I named him after Captain Holly from Watership Downs, and so in my mind he looks quite a bit scrappier than he is. Ears are scratched up and tattered. A few more scars. He's a stoic bun, a former guard most like. Definitely a fighter. PLD main iirc.
Bitter Snow is my beautiful, purple, goth Roe. I did not mean to give her the same name as Yellow Moon's paramour, it happened completely accidentally. 👀💦 She's so pretty, I ought to play her more. Pretty sure she's a DRG main, I cannot recall.
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morganali-art · 2 years ago
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Just some scribbles while running to and fro via chocobo porter tonight :3
I finally gave in and remade my favourite, babiest boy into a catboy. Now he's even babier 🥺 💕
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morganali-art · 2 years ago
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Wolmeric Week (Catchup) - Day 2 First Kiss
Many months after their dinner date was interrupted, Sami'ra convinces Aymeric to step away from his work for a few bells to take a break and share a much humbler meal (a thermos of hot tea, and some bread and cheese). They're hiding out in by the dragon killers by the Skysteel Manufactory late into the evening.
Sam realises belatedly that they've been dancing around each other for some time, and that he's going to have to take matters into his own hands if the relationship is going to go anywhere (gods know that Aymeric is too much of a gentleman, and an Ishgardian at that). Gladly, his more direct approach works out well enough in the end :3
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morganali-art · 2 years ago
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Revisiting some of my old Bunny Lavellan art with Sami'ra while waiting for maintenance to finish.
The urge to re-do my Bunny x Dorian romance cover with Sami'ra and Aymeric is rising 👀💦💦
(the wolf pup minion is standing in for the mabari puppy in my old art :3 )
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